Hash to verifiy (Mac Intel): c42cc0bf3f887b4bfed1e7d3dae98f22643c7a814e9cf240dc0576739ee956f6 --- ### **macOS: Using the Terminal** 1. **Download the File**: Save the file to a known location on your Mac (e.g., Desktop or Downloads). 2. **Locate the Hash**: Obtain the SHA256 hash provided by the software's website or download source. 3. **Open the Terminal**: - Open the Terminal app from Applications > Utilities or search for it in Spotlight (`Cmd + Space`). 4. **Navigate to the File Location**: - Use the `cd` command to go to the folder containing the file. For example: ```bash cd ~/Downloads ``` 5. **Run the SHA256 Command**: - Use the following command to calculate the hash: ```bash shasum -a 256 ``` Replace `` with the name of the file. For example: ```bash shasum -a 256 example.dmg ``` 6. **Compare Hashes**: - Verify that the output matches the hash provided by the source. ---